Thursday, October 20, 2005

Log In: Nick Hammer
Password: ******

Nick Hammer. He's just a good cop in the wrong part of town. Low on
ammo and running out of smokes; just pity the fool zombie that gets in
his way. There's blood on his jacket, and brains all over his boots.

"Wassup, niggas? Ain't no foo' zombie gonna take this narc down!"

Log In: John Fernton
Password: ******

My names John Fernton a detective from the parts after a bloody battle I run
to Screech Lane police dept with 1 bullet left. I am considering should I
use it on myself..oh god help me.

Log In: Max Power
Password: ******

This is Officer Max Power. My current position is Burley Street.

I've got 6 bullets left
1/2 pack of cigarettes
It's dark
and I'm wearing sunglasses
God damn zombies everywhere......